SOCE Barcelona 2025

Aesthetic Smile Planification, The Road to a Successful Treatment

Today more and more patients seek aesthetic dental treatments. As dental professionals, we should be able to treat them in order to restore not only their esthetics, but also their biology, structure and function, giving them a natural restoration of their smile. For that to be accomplished, an extensive documentation with photos and videos and a careful treatment plan is fundamental before starting the treatment. We need to consider several parameters, such as morphological characteristics of each individual tooth (anterior tooth basic anatomy), their alignment and position in the arch, their color and intra-oral criteria that define an esthetic smile composition, such as: midline line, smile line, incisors proportion and dominance, axial inclination of anterior teeth, vestibular axial inclination of posterior teeth, size of the contact areas, cervical and incisal embrasures, and gingival  architecture.


-Graduada en Odontologia en 2010 (Faculdade de Medicina Dentaria da Universidade do Porto)

-Master em Imlplantologia Oral en 2013 (Facultad de Odontologia de la Universidad de Sevilla)

-Post-grado en Estética Dental en 2013 (Facultad de Odontologia de la Universidad de Sevilla)

-Style Italiano Active Member 2019

-Co-autora del libro “Veneers” de Quintessence Publishing

-Certified Member of ESCD (European Society of Cosmetic Dentistry)

-Responsable del Area de Prostodoncia en la Clínica Autrán (Barcelona)

-Profesora en Autrán Dental Academy del Curso de Trilogia Plus

-Profesora en Autrán Dental Academy del Máster de Rehabilitación Oral Adhesiva Mínimamente Invasiva

-Profesora en el Centro Ivan Ronald Dental Training Center (São Paulo, Brasil)

-Dedicación a Cirugia y Prostodoncia en su Clínica en Sevilla

-Siempre dedicada a la formación constante en todo el mundo, sea en cursos ó congresos